Discover our Projects

A powerful combination of technical, business and technology skillsets

Global Beverage Company

Integrated Production Hub Development

Representative in the USA for an international client planning an integrated production hub with its partners, including oversight of master site planning, procurement processes, design development and project controls.


USA Infrastructure P3s

Major Project Performance Reviews

In-flight operational performance reviews for several major transport P3 infrastructure JV companies (Capex > $500M), including analysis of commercial risks, negative cost trends, estimates to complete, change orders and claims.

Global Bank Real Estate

Project Portfolio Process Improvement

Annual reviews of a global bank capex portfolio across its corporate real estate and retail banking branches to identify capital project process improvements and tangible savings from nonconformance with master services agreements.

State Business & Government Leaders

State Infrastructure Strategy

Infrastructure planning, funding and financing strategies for a US State Government, including documentation of global best practices and recommendations to address critical water, transport, energy and digital infrastructure needs.

Regional Water Authority

Corporate Asset Management Plans

ISO-55000 gap assessment and implementation of asset management improvements, including a corporate asset management strategy, procedures, department asset plans and reallocation of forecast capital and operating expenditure to critical infrastructure assets.

State Water Industry

Coordinated Procurement & Shared Services Strategy

Coordinated supply chain and shared services strategy for an Australian State Government water industry, identifying significant annual industry cost savings and synergies across 17 water utilities from enhanced collaboration.

International Aid Agency

Water Infrastructure Needs Program

Oversight of the design process for major water and wastewater infrastructure rehabilitation and procurement planning for construction equipment and materials as part of a US international aid agency program.

Global Mining Company

Autonomous Trains PMO Establishment

Target operating model design and establishment of Program Management Office procedures and tools, including an integrated master schedule, for a multi-million dollar automated trains project.

Gulf Coast Petrochemicals

Mega Plant Construction Diagnostic

Governance, risk management and project reporting analysis as part of an in-flight project performance and turnaround review for a mega petrochemical complex construction project.

Regional Transport Authority

Sustainability Strategy and Disclosure

Comprehensive agency-wide sustainability initiatives across aviation, maritime ports, rail, infrastructure, and real estate sectors, including climate action planning, internal carbon pricing, waste reduction programs, green leasing, and clean construction initiatives. Provided leadership to finance and key departments on climate risk assessment, identification of opportunities, and public disclosure standards such as CDP, TCFD, SBTI, ACA, annual reports, and bond disclosures.

International Climate Nonprofit

Local Government Resiliency Strategy

Global programs aimed at enhancing public-private partnerships to accelerate climate action across 96 of the world's largest and most impactful cities. Collaborated with prominent organizations such as Bloomberg Philanthropies, The Children's Investment Fund, UNEP, UNGC, and CDP to deliver climate-related reporting and data initiatives centered on smart cities and technology incubation. Design critical sustainability metrics for local governments to demonstrate progress against their sustainability performance.


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